Hi, my name is Lucy. My two-legged pal Lori took me running when I was about a year old, so I'd quit chewing up the furniture. It pretty much worked. I think my roommates were ready to find me a new home, but after I started running regularly, I was too TIRED to chew! Boy, I sure discovered a whole new world outdoors. Trails are my favorite places to run, but sometimes they are too narrow, and some runners wear black, which is kinda scary to me. Mostly I just run around the scary people, but I keep a close eye on Lori.
My farthest run is 12 miles. One time we had to call home for someone to come get us, because I was too tired to run all the way. But mostly I can hang in there. Recently, though, another dog came to live with us. He's a big young punk, so we go to the dog park a lot. He's not allowed to go running; frankly, he acts like an idiot sometimes. Cooper's a fun guy to tear around with in the house when we're bored, but outside he goes kind of crazy.
Well, see you on the trails!
Stupid Dog! You have to train your people better. On the rare occurence when my people get up at 5 AM, I roll my eyes and wait for a more reasonable time to get up. Often though I am up by 6 with no one to play when they are still ZZZZZing, so I scratch the bed to get them up to throw a ball for me. Now that's people control! - Cocoa from California