Monday, July 5, 2010

Learning to Swim

Yesterday we went to a new (to me) park, Stratton Open Space.  They have a small reservoir that they have opened up to allow dogs to swim in.  Well, I don't swim, I am really afraid when I can't feel the ground under my feet.  But I do love to splash my paws in the water, and I LOVE to chase balls.  There were some extras left behind and Roland took one and threw it into the water, not too far out, so I could reach it and bring it back.  Cooper is also afraid to swim, but he loves to splash. The next ball was a little far for me to reach.  After a little bit, the wind brought it closer and I could get it.  The next ball was farther out, and it was scary, but I REALLY wanted the ball!  So I stretched as far as I could, almost got my mouth on it--and the ball jumped away, and I didn't have the ground under me!  I had to swim back to shore!  Boy, that was scary.  But that ball was still out there, and I couldn't let it get away.  I whined and wanted it, and suddenly I was swimming to the ball!  I can't do this-yes I can-no I can't-yes I can!  I brought it back again and got so much praise!  I was so happy!  After a few more times, I could walk right out, swim to the ball and bring it back.  So take that, Cooper tthhhhht!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Finally Spring!

Spring is finally here!  And on a weekend, too, so we can go to the dogpark, or go for a run, or just laze around in the sun.  Today Lori went for a run without me, but she said it was a long ways, 10 miles, and I just haven't been doing the necessary training for that distance.  I got some new kibble, NutriSource, so we eat healthier and supposedly don't poop so much.  Emmett cleans up the yard every couple days, so I don't really care about that.

I got caught napping on the bed again.  It's SO much comfier than my closet.  I know I'm not supposed to be on there, but the cat's away.....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome to Trail Bitch!

Hi, my name is Lucy. My two-legged pal Lori took me running when I was about a year old, so I'd quit chewing up the furniture. It pretty much worked. I think my roommates were ready to find me a new home, but after I started running regularly, I was too TIRED to chew! Boy, I sure discovered a whole new world outdoors. Trails are my favorite places to run, but sometimes they are too narrow, and some runners wear black, which is kinda scary to me. Mostly I just run around the scary people, but I keep a close eye on Lori.

My farthest run is 12 miles. One time we had to call home for someone to come get us, because I was too tired to run all the way. But mostly I can hang in there. Recently, though, another dog came to live with us. He's a big young punk, so we go to the dog park a lot. He's not allowed to go running; frankly, he acts like an idiot sometimes. Cooper's a fun guy to tear around with in the house when we're bored, but outside he goes kind of crazy.

Well, see you on the trails!